Are you a coach who works with clients or a leader who works with teams?
Then The Enneagram is a Power Tool You Cannot Afford to Ignore For Yourself, Your Clients & Your Team…
What is the Enneagram?
Where It Came From
No one knows where the Enneagram came from, though there are many opinions about its origins. Like many helpful tools for humanity, it cannot be placed into any one category as it’s proven to be applicable to anyone who desires to learn and apply it. Christians and other religious adherents have used it adaptively to their faith paths. Atheists and agnostics have used it successfully as well. The Enneagram is not religious, nor is it cultural.
What Is It?
The Enneagram is a model of the human psyche. It has been called a personality type tool, as well as a tool for coaches to use with clients to catalyze deep self-awareness and how to correct erroneous patterns acquired in childhood. Some refer to the Enneagram as an esoteric tool for wisdom, while others refer to it as strictly psychological. For me, the Enneagram is psychological, mystical and scientific. As you study the Enneagram more deeply, you’ll determine for yourself what it is.
How Does It Work?
There are 9 Enneagram Types. Some refer to these as personality types, though they are far more than simply personality descriptors. The 9 Enneagram types delineate core struggles, motivations, fears and desires. Far beyond a simple personality test, the Enneagram reveals deeply hidden motivations that when uncovered, can be understood and addressed. We could think of the Enneagram as a personalized personal development program and how to become the best version of oneself, a goal of all coaches and leaders for themselves and those they coach and lead. (See a brief snippet of the 9 Enneagram Types below.)
Why Use It?
The Enneagram is a potent tool for:
Catalyzing Self Discovery & Self Awareness
Revealing Our Deepest Fears
Understanding Our Core Motivations & Unconscious Drivers
Understanding Our Core Desires (beyond personality)
Understanding the Corrections That Must Be Made & Having a Tool to Make Them
Coaching Clients & Leading Teams to Stellar Success
Enneagram Type 1: Perfectionist/Reformer
The Perfectionist does things right and believes that the world would be a much better place if everyone just followed the rules.
Enneagram Type 2: Helper/Giver
The Helper bends over backwards to help everyone do everything. Agreeable and always a great listener, they will always come to the aid of another.
Enneagram type 3: Performer/Acheiver
This larger than life type is always achieving, being better than everyone around them, and is driven to success.
Enneagram Type 4: Artist/Romantic
The Artist thinks they are misunderstood and can be a brooder. They are highly individualistic and can be moody.
Enneagram Type 7: Enthusiast/Optimist
Always experiencing new things, the Enthusiasts will never allow themselves to be bored and are afraid of missing out on something even better than what they’re currently experiencing.
Enneagram Type 5: Thinker/Investigator
Driven by accumulation of knowledge, Thinkers believe that they can ward off the dangers of the world if they just know enough.
Enneagram Type 8: Challenger/Leader
Think drill sargeant when you think of Type 8. They’re strong leaders who live by the ethos that it’s my way or the highway.
Enneagram Type 6: Skeptic/Loyalist
Once you gain the trust of a Skeptic type, they’ll be loyal to you forever. They make great sidekicks.
Enneagram Type 9: Peacemaker/Mediator
Inner peace and being Zen is a major motivation for Type 9 as they strive to keep the peace around them.
There’s More…
The Enneagram reveals:
The Triads & How They Operate: the Body Triad consists of Enneagram Types 8, 9 and 1. The Heart Triad consists of Enneagram Types 2, 3 and 4. The Head Triad consists of Enneagram Types 5, 6 and 7.
Your Core Fears: i.e. not being right (Enneagram Type 1) or not being worthy of love unless you’re helping someone (Enneagram Type 2). All Enneagram Types have a core fear that must be unveiled in order to live their best lives.
Wings: the Enneagram Types to your left and right form ‘wings.’ You will ‘lean’ more toward one ‘wing’ or the other. For instance, I am an Enneagram Type 7 Wing 6. Because Type 8 is my next door neighbor, I could lean to that side at times as well. Your wings help you soar.
Destructive Path vs. Constructive Path: the path that is most constructive for you, and the path you travel when you’re exhibiting destructive patterns.
How To Employ the Enneagram With Clients, Team Mates & Partners
How to Employ the Enneagram With Clients & Teams: New Masterclass Coming Soon!
Who are you in the Enneagram? Online tests are not fully accurate or helpful when pursuing the deeper questions of who you are, what your hidden motivations could be, your deepest fears and struggles, and how to overcome these.
This Masterclass takes you into each Enneagram type including yours, wings of each type, the Triads of each type, the constructive path and the destructive path of each type.
This Masterclass is specifically designed for Coaches, Leaders, Entrepreneurs and those who lead a team of people or who work with clients in unfolding their personal development.
This class equips you, as a coach or leader, to accurately assess Enneagram Types (first for yourself and then for your clients and teams), then how to coach your client or guide your team members to the higher version of self, from a space of knowing their core motivations, inner struggles, deepest fears and greatest desires. Priceless!
Learn & be equipped to do Enneagram Readings for your clients: help clients assess their own Enneagram Type with accuracy, plunge into resolving their deepest fears from childhood traumatic experiences, provide tools for growth and coach them to ULTIMATE FREEDOM!
As a leader, learn to help any team member delve into the rich tapestry of their Enneagram Type for higher productivity in less time.
Absolute clarity = power & speed.
NOTE: We’ll post when this Masterclass is occurring. Check back often!
Private Client Enneagram Readings
A private reading with KAISI for in depth insight to:
Discover with accuracy your Enneagram Type, Wings and Triad.
Understand how your Enneagram Type is currently affecting the 7 Paradigms of your Wheel of Destiny.
Uncover your deepest fears and eradicate them. Each Enneagram Type has a specific set of unconscious fears that prevent forward movement. Get rid of those! (Or at least discover how to move beyond the constraints and resistance these fears produce.)
Reveal why you keep having the same struggles over and over again, no matter how much you try to avoid them. Stop avoiding. Instead, GRADUATE your persistent struggles.
Unveil your deepest motivations and drivers. What we think drives us is rarely what actually does. What’s really driving you? How can you use your unconscious drivers and motivations to propel yourself forward?
Understand your CORE DESIRES so you can realize them in healthy ways and catapult your life UPWARD.
Overcome the effects of childhood trauma on the formation of your personality and your ability to leap into your best self.
Understand the Enneagram Type of the people around you so that interpersonal relationships smooth out and fulfill their highest purpose.
Clear all blocks to your success and highest performance from an inner space of self gnosis.
There’s never a need to force yourself to do things you’re not doing. There’s a reason you’re not taking certain actions (even though you know they are required for your success).
This is where the Enneagram changes everything as the Power Tool for personal development it is.
Readings are 60 minutes and held via Zoom. Your reading is recorded for your private access and future reference.
NOTE: 1-on-1 readings are not available currently. Check back often!